When considering how to build iOS and Android applications people think that the traditional languages, Objective-C and Java, are the only viable choices for development. Over the past few years, an entirely new ecosystem of platforms for building mobile applications has emerged. USITplus is unique in this aspect by offering a single language – C#. The class library and runtime works well across all three mobile platforms - iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. All while still compiling native applications that perform well, even for extra-demanding apps such as games. Each of these platforms has a different feature set and each varies in its ease to write native applications for. These are applications that compile down to native code and interop fluently with the underlying Java subsystem. For example, some platforms only allow you to build apps in HTML and JavaScript, whereas others are very low-level and only allow C/C++ code. Some platforms don’t even utilize the native control toolkit.
We combine all the power of the native platforms while adding a number of powerful features, including:
1. Complete Binding for the Indigenous SDKs – USITplus contains bindings for nearly the entire underlying platform SDKs in both iOS and Android. Additionally, these bindings are strongly-typed, which means that they’re easy to navigate and they provide robust compile-time type checking. This leads to fewer runtime errors and higher quality applications.
2. Objective-C, Java, C and C++ Interop – USITplus provides facilities for directly calling Objective-C, Java, C and C++ libraries. Giving you the power to use a wide array of 3rd party code that has already been written. This lets you take advantage of existing iOS and Android libraries written in Objective-C, Java or C/C++. Making it far easier to write complex applications in simple code.
3. Modern Language Constructs – USITplus applications are written in C#. C# is a more modern language that contains significant improvements over Objective-C and Java such as Dynamic Language Features, Functional Constructs such as Lambdas, LINQ , Parallel Programming features, sophisticated Generics, and more.
4. Amazing Base Class Library (BCL) – USITplus applications use the .NET BCL, a massive collection of classes that have comprehensive and streamlined features such as powerful XML, Database, Serialization, IO, String, and Networking support.
5. Modern Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – USITplus uses USITplus Studio on Mac OS X and USITplus Studio/ Visual Studio 2013 on Windows. These are both modern IDE’s that include features such as code auto completion, a sophisticated project and solution management system, a comprehensive project template library, integrated source control and others.
6. Mobile Cross Platform Support – USITplus offers sophisticated cross-platform support for the three major mobile OS's: iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Applications can be written to share up to 90% of their code and our USITplus mobile library offers a unified API to access common resources across all three platforms. This can significantly reduce both development costs and time to market for mobile developers/applications that target the three most popular mobile platforms.