Content Management Systems are Best Explained as Follows:
The Problem
In any industry, a company's ability to grow and change with the ever-evolving trends of technology is vital to survival. In relation to this, the most important post-launch feature of any website is the ability to replace, update, and manage content on it.
Without a proper content management system in place, the ability to add new material or make edits can get heavily delayed. This means companies often delay edits and updates to their website in order to avoid the long process of web design/redesign. Many companies also don’t want to pay a webmaster/web-designer just to change a few words or make minor changes.
What if the whole process could be streamlined? Simplified to the point that anyone, even without knowing any programming languages, could make these website changes.
The Solution
A Content Management System (referred to as a CMS from now on) is a system used to manage the content of a website in a very simplified and interactive way. CMS's are primarily for use by a large number of contributors. The type of content that can be managed through this system includes images, audio/video, flash animation, graphs, spreadsheets, presentations, computer files, electronic documents and web content. CMS's can be used to share these files among users with ease, as most systems use server-based software, further broadening file availability among the employees/workers.
Metaphorical Summation of a Content Management System
Your website is like the house you live in. A web design agency has built the house for you, a web host has ensured that the house is large enough for your needs and graphic designers have made the house look good. What if you want to chuck out some of your old furniture, move things around or update your out-of-date entertainment? Doing this on a website is not as easy as it is to move furniture in our metaphor here, that is why you need a CMS to enable you to do a little spring cleaning and ensure everything is up-to-date.
Characteristics of a Content Management System
Content Management Systems allow complete control over your online information.
They work within your website, giving access to any and all dynamic content areas.
Site features may be altered from within any internet browser. Meaning updates can be completed from any PC with an internet connection anywhere with no extra costs.
A content management system is effectively, complete control over images and graphics within your website.
There are many other features available such as the ability to implement flash animations and rich media content.
A simple to use point and click editor.