The KanBan Technique for Agile

What's KanBan?

- It's a process that can gradually improve any core business function

- It's a visual process that aims to have you "see" the process of any workflow from any project

-The goal of this process is to identify any bottlenecks in the workflow process and resolve them

Revolves around Four Foundational Principles

1) Start with what you are doing, right now

2) Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change

3) Respect all roles and titles (at first, atleast)

4) Encourage acts of leadership at all levels

Revolves around Six Core Practices

1) Visualize the workflow

2) Limit the amount of Work-in-Progress items on the project

3) Manage the flow of work

4) Make process policies explicit

5) Implement feedback loops

6) Improve through collaboration and evolve through evolution that is based in the scientific method